Kayla Hale Kayla Hale

How do I do it all?

I get asked often “How do you do it all?”

And my first response is I don’t! I’m human, and although most days I’m pretty productive, I do have days I can’t get it all done. 

My second response is I’m very good at time management, and I have an amazing supportive spouse who is a great teammate with helping around the house and is a very hands father. 

One way I start my day off productive is by having a morning routine which consists of. 

My daily morning routine:

Every morning I wake up at 6 am.

The first thing I do is grab a cup of coffee and do my devotional. I always want to fill my spirit and mind with positive things before I go about my day. 

The second thing I do is check my emails, messages, and social media. I try to limit this to 15 minutes so I’m not aimlessly scrolling. 

Next I head to the garage/front yard to work out. Most of my workouts are 30 minutes. Holt normally wakes up while we are working out, and will come outside to join us. Sometimes he’s with us during our whole workout, which can slow us down, but I know I’m setting a good example and showing him I’m a strong and healthy mama. When he asks why I do this my response is always “So I can carry you, chase you around, and play with you always and forever.”

After that I make my protein shake/smoothie, (two of my favorite recipes coming to the blog soon.) Okay lets be honest this should say “My husband makes my shake for me.”

Then I shower and get ready for work! Since I wear a mask all day it doesn’t take me long to get ready. I do my skincare routine and put on sunscreen and I’m out the door. 

Do you have a morning routine? Was sharing my routine helpful for you? If you want to hear more about my daily routine let me know. 

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Kayla Hale Kayla Hale

Golden Rules


Today I am celebrating my “Golden Birthday” doing what I love: sipping on a mimosa while sitting poolside in Dallas and spending quality time with my husband and son. 

The older I get, the more comfortable I have become in my own skin. I’m more confident as a wife, mother, daughter, friend, and PA. I acknowledge my strengths, and also my weaknesses.


If I’m honest, I had a hard time turning 30 last year. I didn’t feel like I had accomplished enough or was where I wanted to be in life or my career, and was just starting to become confident in myself with what I had to offer.  

Over the last year I have been able to cultivate my confidence, and know what I bring to the table. As I get older, I am also aware of my flaws, and areas that I can improve both personally and professionally.


Here are 5 Golden Rules I want to live by the next year.

  1. Love myself through every stage.

  2. Spend time and invest in those who invest in me.

  3. Pursue my passions and allow my talents to flourish.

  4. Give it all to God.

  5. Nourish my body and mind daily.

So here’s to embracing my thirties, continuing to learn, grow, evolve and spreading love and light. 

Photography credit @brittanyxmartinez 


Shop My Birthday Outfit

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Kayla Hale Kayla Hale

The Beginning

You probably want to know why I am starting a blog at 30 years old. Its simple really, I’ve been called to do this and the Lord has directed each and every step to get me here.

But lets start by me taking you back about 2.5 years ago when we moved from Dallas to Oklahoma City. To be honest I didn’t want to move. I had my dream job as a general surgery Physician Assistant and was the practice manager, had a one year old, a great church community, and family lived close by. Moving states was one of the hardest transitions I have gone through as an adult- if you have moved states during #adulthood then you feel me on this. BUT- it’s also been the biggest blessing. It allowed me to grow exponentially as a person, pursue my passions, find new community, and allow our family to truly flourish. My husband loves his career, Holt has an amazing school he loves, and we finally feel at home. 


Sometimes God calls us to move, even when our feet are stuck in the mud. I urge you to listen, take the risk, open that door, and walk through it. 


The first 6 months we lived in OKC we were in a rental while our house was being built. I tell Clarke all the time I hated that house, but it really wasn’t about the house it was about the stage of life I was in. I took 2 months off work when we moved to get us settled. As much as I loved this time with my son, I had no friends to do play dates with and I missed my career and my patients. I decided to work nights at the Emergency Room because this gave me the most time at home with Holt. I loved the fast pace and the people from the ER but working nights and caring for a toddler and a house during the day was EXHAUSTING. This is really when my heart started tugging at me to figure out what my passion and strengths were. It really comes down to this- my passion is to help people. I want sick people to feel better. I want to instill inner and outer confidence in my patients. I want to help that girl struggling with guilt to know she is loved and forgiven. 

So that my friends is why I started a blog. This is just the beginning glimpse of my story and how Hale the Beauty Queen started. I cannot wait to share more and continue to connect with you. I want you to know I am here for you. I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, and PA going through life just like you and I am here to build you up, help you navigate daily life, share beauty and fashion tips, and to help you become the person you were meant to be.

Photography credit @brittanyxmartinez 



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